As in 2022, Kilfenora Development community group members arranged a varied and high-quality set of events as part of National Heritage Week 2023, intended for both the local community and visitors to enjoy. Fuller details of each event can be found here, or by clicking on the title of each event.
Latest discoveries in the Burren – Sunday 13 August (14.30-15.30), Burren Visitor Centre (Free)
Dr Eamon Doyle is a leading Irish geologist, science promoter and accomplished painter, and the official geologist for the Burren & Cliffs of Moher Unesco Global Geopark. He described and illustrated some fascinating results from ongoing research in this amazing natural treasure trove, including his own notable fossil discoveries in recent years – examples were on display.
Photogrammetry Workshop – Monday-Tuesday 14-15 August (10.00-16.00), Kilfenora Cathedral & Burren Visitor Centre
Gary Dempsey of Digital Heritage Age showed participants how to turn photos into 3D models, which can be used to record and preserve artefacts – using the fabulous carvings and crosses at historic Kilfenora Cathedral, using Ja digital camera or smartphone camera, and a laptop PC.
The Hidden Heritage of Kilfenora, and Recent Work of the Field Monument Advisor in Co. Clare – Thursday 17 August (20.00-21.30), Kilfenora Community Hall, main street (V95KX62). €3 entry
Local archaeologist Edel Barry revealed a wide range of monuments and structures of interest in and around historic Kilfenora village, from pre-Christian times to the early twentieth century. Elaine Lynch, Archaeologist with the Acres Burren Aran Scheme, gave a fascinating talk on recent work of the Field Monument Advisor Programme in Co. Clare.
Youth traditional music sessions – 18 August 10.30 (pre-teens) and 12.00 (teens), in the Kilfenora Céilí Band exhibition room at the Burren Visitor Centre (Free)
As one of the most famous locations in Irish traditional music, Kilfenora offered two open sessions for young musicians with experienced music teacher Rachel Reid as part of National Heritage Week. All were welcome, including beginners, with any instrument – fiddle, flute, whistle, concertina, accordion, harp, mandolin or banjo. Parents could observe or view the fabulous Burren interpretive exhibition (newly re-designed), visit the craft shop, or relax in the Burren Centre Café.
Wildflower competition (for all ages) – the ask was to identify 3 wildflowers close to where you live; draw or photograph them, name them and describe them. There was great participation, with many wonderful images. The results are on display on-screen in the Burren Centre foyer. Thanks to the prize sponsors – Airmid, Doolin Ferries, Laura Vaughan Design, Aloe Tree.
Styles of traditional music in Clare – Sunday 20 August (14.00-15.00), Burren Visitor Centre (Free)
Garry Shannon is one of Ireland’s foremost traditional flautists and music teachers. He addressed this hotly debated topic, unravelling what is myth and reality, with the help of sound clips from the past to the present. It was a rare opportunity to appreciate the richness of Clare’s musical traditions with a master of the subject.
The Fantastic Mr Foot (“Father of the Burren”) – Sunday 20 August (15.30-16.30), Burren Visitor Centre (Free)
Geologist and botanist Frederick James Foot (1830-67) was a young genius who undertook pioneering topographical and botanical mapping and research, in Ireland and abroad, into fossils, plants, animals, sea creatures and bats. Geologist Gosia Horajska-Shaikh won the 2018 Heritage Week Award with her exhibition on Foot (in Tralee), and brought her expertise to Kilfenora where his descendants include famous local musicians. This talk was dedicated to the memory of the late Brother Sean McNamara, a passionate researcher both into the Burren and Frederick Foot.
Events at the Burren Visitor Centre were held in the inspiring surroundings of the Kilfenora Céilí Band exhibition room, adjoining the recently re-designed interpretive exhibition of the Burren that is essential viewing for visitors to North Clare.
